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Hiya guys, I am incredibly sorry I’ve been MIA for the past year or two. I don’t want to sound too cliché when I say I’ve been busy, hence the reason why I haven’t blogged in so long.

That being said, I’ll catch up with what I’ve been doing over the next few posts.

In June I  finished my final major project and graduated from college. I wanted to focus on advertising photography, therefore I decided to create an advertising campaign for a faux perfume company, for male and female perfumes.

I used two different  methods of digitising my materials, which were scanography and photography. I scanned and photographed each individual petal and flower, then made a flower composite using Photoshop.

For the perfume bottle, I photographed the bottle using a high key lighting set up, then in post production I tinted the bottle according to the main colour of the flower composite. In the “bold” advert (Red), the bottle had a red tint because of the red flowers in the background.

The names of each perfume was reflected in the colour scheme of the advert. The colour yellow represented joy or happiness.

Let me know what you think of the images?

For the male perfume adverts, I wanted to focus on the textures of the ingredients for a male cologne, such as bay leaves and cinnamon.

The male perfume adverts followed the same pattern as the female adverts, so that they would resemble in appearance and connect as a series.